Bridge Building
Bridges no longer span gaps with brick and mortar only. Today, they incorporate modern state-of-the-art technology. It is not just designing and constructing bridges, safe and strong enough to withstand the ravages of floods, quakes and other natural calamities, but bridges must measure upto exacting new constraints of space, clearances, traffic patterns and navigational requirements along with environmental and aesthetic considerations. Other challenges include explosion in the speed and volume of traffic and consequent growth of expressways, the urban sprawl generated by the population crunch and the need for bridging creeks in coastal metropolitan centres- all of which governed by never before constraints of time-to be met by constantly improving global standards in materials and methods. And this is the forte of the U.P. State Bridge Corporation Ltd. Growing with the times, it has met the challenge of business and established itself as a premier builder of world-class Bridges, Flyovers, Railway over bridges, other Hydraulic & allied concrete structures and road construction.